010001 更高維法里數列存在性研究 | Farey Sequences in Higher Dimensional Spaces
010003 坐標平面上的格點多邊形性質 | The Properties of Grid Polygon on Coordinate Plane
010006 Lill Path之立體圖形應用 | Three-Dimensional Graphics Application of Lill Path
010009 Combinatorial Properties of Non-isomorphic Caterpillars
010011 半正鑲嵌圖形中的捷徑問題 | The Shortcut Problem in Archimedean Tilings
010012 分數的拆分 | Dccomposition of Fractions
010015 破解清空盒子彈珠的最佳途徑 | The Best Way to Empty the Marbles In the Box
010018 探討電梯等待時間的期望值 | The Expected Waiting Time for Elevator Passengers
010019 頂心三角形誕生的奇蹟 | The miracle of Top-Center triangle
010020 「世紀難題-考拉茲猜想」 考拉茲猜想中循環的探討 | The discussion of the circulation in Collatz conjecture
010023 等差指標的探討 | Research for existence of Arithmetic Progressions
010024 糖果傳遞問題之研究與推廣 | Research on the Candy Delivery Question
010025 特殊定向圖的歐拉子圖數量及其應用 | Eulerian subdigraphs of special digraphs and its applications
010028 等比例線段下保角圖形之特徵探討 | The Conformal Properties under Parallelograms
010030 多人循環賽局策略之研究 | A strategic research in multiplayer repeated game
010033 推廣圓冪定理及圓錐曲線內接四邊形判定定理之探討 | Generalized Circle Power Theorem and Inscribed Quadrilateral Theorem on a Conic Section
010034 探討單位電阻排列有理數值 | Constructing Resistance with One Ohm Resistors
010035 2、3、4 進位Kaprekar變換的性質 | The Properties Of KaprekarTransformation
010037 Locus of the Points on Circumference of the n-th Circle that Formed by Moving the Center of any Radius Circles on the Outermost Circumference of Preceding set of Circles
010038 Properties of possible counterexamples to the Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture
Physics & Astronomy
160002 蠟燭火焰震盪之研析研究 | Oscillation of Candle Flames
160006 黏滯流體與固態粒子對馬克士威爾滾輪的物理影響及探討 | Discussion of the Physical Influence of Viscous Fluid and Solid Particles on the Maxwell's Wheel
160007 外加電場下環形泡膜形變控制之研究 | The research on the control of annular buble film deformation under applied electric field
160010 還有「轉環」的餘地—探討鋼球在自轉圓環軌道的運動 | Analysis on Electrochemical Propertyof Gold Electrode Modification for Water Quality Examination
160013 Study of Ferrofluid and Magnetic Fields
160014 火焰之舞 | Dancing Flame
160015 別在房子裡跳舞-研究結構體開口大小與數量對火焰燃燒及煙霧流動之影響 | Don't Dance inside the house influence of the area and quantity of structural openings on flame combustion and smoke flow
160016 探討大質量恆星演化所導致超新星爆炸之理論模型與對應觀測驗證 | Modeling Supernova Explosions of Massive Starsand Predicting their Observational Signature
160017 週期性變化磁場對複合磁體磁浮特性的影響 | Kinematic Analysis of Maglev Oscillation Under Frequently Changing Magnetic Field
160019 單低谷型磁暴事件先兆之分析 | Analysis of Solar Wind Signatures in Isolated Geomagnetic Storms
160023 製備自組裝單分子層修飾電極檢測水中銅離子之研究 | Analysis on Electrochemical Property of Gold Electrode Modification for Water Quality Examination
160024 「氫」雲直上-影響氫氣火箭飛行的各項因子探討 | Discuss the Factors Affecting the Flight of the Hydrogen Rockets
160026 boom!玉米定時炸彈-探討玉米粒爆開之因素
160031 磁攪拌子在黏滯液體下作磁懸浮運動之實用性探究與數值模擬法的發展之研究 | Practical Exploration of the Levitation Performed by a Magnetic Stir Bar in Viscous Liquid and Development of Its Numerical Simulation Method
160032 Contactless and Non-Destructive Detection of Chicken Meat Contamination with Laser Speckle Method
030004 摻鈀鹵氧化鉍奈米晶體光催化還原二氧化碳 | Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 on Pd/BiOX(X=Cl,Br)
030006 分子拓印修飾磁性奈米粒子萃取福壽螺卵中蝦紅素之探討 | Using Fe3O4@SiO2 MIP for Efficient Extract Astaxanthin from Channeled Apple Snail Eggs
030007 單分散原子電催化二氧化碳還原 | Atomically dispersed Catalysts for CO 2 Reduction Reaction
030008 探討有機分子官能基對胰島類澱粉蛋白(IAPP)之影響 | Explore the Effect of Functional Groups of Organic Compounds on Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (LAPP)
030010 多工奈米複合材料合成與其協同治療應用 | Synthesis of Multifunctional Nanocomposite and Its Therapeutic Application
030011 透過相轉移催化劑合成Chromeno[4,3-b]pyrrolidine之衍生物 | Synthesis of Chromeno[4,3-b]pyrrolidine Derivatives using Phase Transfer Catalysts
030017 定義酚基反應性:芳香環醣基受體之醣基化反應立體選擇性的預測及探討 | Automated Quantification of Phenol and Benzyl alcohol Reactivities: Prediction and Study of their Glycosylation Reactions
030019 超分子奈米粒子應用於基因治療 | Supramolecular Nanoparticle Applied to Gene Therapy
030020 銠金屬催化劑應用於不對稱環化與chain walking之研究 | The Research of Applying Rhodium Catalyst to Enantioselective Cyclization Reaction and Chain Walking
030021 活化石海百合Comanthus parvicirrus所含化學物質探討 | Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Living Fossil Crinoid Comanthus Parvicirrus
030023 以非金屬催化劑降解rPLA應用於合成類玻璃高分子 | Degradation of rPLA with the Non-metal Catalyst (PLADEG) and its Application in Vitrimer Synthesis
030024 In Silico Modeling of Lovastatin Analogues as Inhibitors of HIV-1 Nef Protein
030025 Investigating the application of nanotechnology for detecting fishes hatching time
030026 Modification of silica surface with supercritical water as a tool indicating new possibilities of existing separation methods
030027 PVA unveiled the actual role of starch in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction
030028 A new approach to obtaining light-absorbing perovskite layers CH3NH3PbI3 for utilization in third-generation solar cells
030029 Eschweiler–Clarke reaction without formic acid
Earth and Environmental Sciences
180005 濁水不犯清水-探究涇渭分明成因 | “Flow side by side”Investigation of mixing patterns at the confluence of the two rivers
180006 蘭陽溪口溼地以及五十二甲溼地水質分析與比較 | Analysis and Comparison Quality of Water in Lanyang Stream & 52-Jia Wetland
180009 海洋汙染物聚苯乙烯與其降解物對鈣板藻的影響 | The impact of marine pollution on coccolithophores
180011 地球低頻震動事件偵測 | Exploration of Low-Frequency Seismic Events
180012 平流層極地渦旋及北極震盪與區域極端寒冷事件之關係 | Extreme Cold Events corresponding Polar vortex and Arctic Oscillation
180013 搶救海洋紅寶石(藻礁)-運用AI視覺辨識無人機對藻礁保育之預警研究 | Saving Algal Reef Early Warning for Algal Reef Conservation with Drones and AI vision recognition
180014 Bio-Circular-Green Superabsorber
180015 The Use of Brine Shrimp to Test for Water Pollutants
180016 Microfossil association of the Štíty locality
180017 HOPE WASTE (House Processor Waste) with IoT (Internet of Things) as a Laundry Liquid Waste Treatment Household Environment
Animal Sciences
050001 蚊幼蟲與搖蚊幼蟲在水中分布與其血紅蛋白基因表現之關係 | Relationship between Distribution of Mosquito Larvae under Water and Expression of Hemoglobin Gene
050003 Super「鼠」跑 | Research of hypertension and exercise Zoology
050005 水熊蟲於化學環境壓力耐受機制探討 | Tolerance mechanisms of Tardigrade under chemical environmental stresses
050010 高鹽飲食對果蠅學習與記憶能力的影響及其細胞與分子機制 | The Effects and Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of High-salt Diet on Learning and Memory on Drosophila
050012 在壓力下更要堅強,探討ACE2/Ang(1-7)軸與韌力的關係 | The Ralationship between ACE2/Ang(1-7)Axis and Resilience
050013 全臺新記錄種皺家蟻特徵、習性及其偷懶行為之研究 | The study of morphology and behavior of the new record Tetramorium in Taiwan
050015 魚類在面對酸逆境下醣類的代謝差異 | Exploring the Metabolic Difference of Fishes
050016 The Reproduction success of the Cyprinidae and a Claridae fish species and its impact on small- scale fisheries
050017 The Population Structure of the Orange River mudfish (Labeo capensis) in Allemanskraal Dam and Its potential as a Fishery Species
050018 The influence of lanscape on nest preferences and behavior of twig nesting Hymenoptera
050019 Territorial behaviour of the Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) during autumn migration and wintering in the urban environment of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Plant Sciences
060001 探討SAP5基因3端非轉譯序列對表現量的影響 | Exploring the impact of 3’UTR on SAP5 gene expression
060003 「洞」「築」先機—預先戳洞提升綠豆耐鹽能力 | Investigation of pretreatment with hole poking in leaves improves salt tolerance by enhancement of antioxidant defense system in mungbean seedlings
060005 纖維素內切酶GsCelA自我斷裂之探討 | The self-catalyzed truncation of Geobacillus sp.70pc53 Cellulase A
060007 以菸草探討電擊對植物免疫的影響 | Dissecting the effect of electric shock on plant immunity in Nicotiana benthamiana
060010 酢漿草,也要午睡嗎?~探討酢漿草的光觸反應 | Does Oxalis need to take a nap? Exploring the stimulus-response of Oxalis corniculate leaves under light and seismonastic movement
060013 探討豬籠草捕蟲籠的組織結構、發育吸收與物理結構 | Explore the Organizational Structure, Development, Absorption and Physical Structure of Pitchers of Nepenthes
060014 槭樹翅果成熟過程中單、雙翅差異性探討 | Explor the Dfference between Single and Paired Samaras of Green Maple(Acer serrulatum)in the Maturation Process
060016 休息是為了走更遠—阿拉伯芥之耐熱記憶 | TAKE A BREAK Enhancement of heat-tolerant memory in Arabidopsis
060017 無毒有「單」~探討單寧酸作為生物農藥的可行性 | Feasibility of Tannic Acid as a Biopesticide
070001 探討I類與II類的HDAC基因調節細胞週期之互補功能 | The redundant role of Class I and Class II HDACs in modulating cell cycle
070002 利用麵包蟲腸道菌降解聚丙烯並探討其優化策略 | Polypropylene Biodegrades via Gut-microbe from yellow mealworms and Identifies specific Bacteria by Metagenomic Analysis
070005 強菌來襲!口腔大騷動!——食品中乳酸菌對牙齒保健的影響 | The Connection Between Oral Cavity and Lactic Acid Bacteria in food
070007 Expectations for extension of cell life and next generation anticancer drugs by using secondary metabolites of actinomycetes
080003 AsqJ酵素活性庫之篩選並探討其專一性與反應性之改變 | Screening of AsqJ-Based Enzyem Library and Characterization of AsqJ Variants with Altered Substrate Specificity and Reactivity
080006 PMCA 技術在漸凍症(ALS)致病蛋白TDP-43 纖維之高靈敏度偵測開發及應用 | Application of PMCA Technology for High-sensitivity Detection of Pathological TDP-43 Fiber in ALS
080007 利用 CRISPR/Cas 技術重建複雜的DNA 修復機制 | Engineering CRISPR/Cas to reprogram complex checkpoint signaling
080010 利用虛擬篩選LpxC抑制劑的方式找出對抗多重抗藥性綠膿桿菌的新療法 | Researching a new therapy against MDR Bacteria by in silico virtual screening of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa LpxC inhibitors
080011 微生物源之甜菜素合成酵素的結構功能探討與潛在應用 | Structural,funtional studies & protential application of 4,5-DOPA-dioxygenase involved in betalamin pigment microorganism
080012 Bioinformatic Prediction of Coronavirus (SARS COV-2) Mutations that Increase Contagiousness
Medicine & Health Sciences
090001 探討 Kaempferol 3-O-β-d-xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside 對人類小細胞肺癌之功效 | To Study the Effects of Kaempferol 3-O-β-d-xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside in Human Small Cell Lung Cancer
090002 肝未人生,肝緊治療-利用端粒酶轉基因斑馬魚斑馬魚模式研究三種藥物的組合抗肝癌作用 | Using telomerase transgenic zebrafish model to study the anti-hepatocarcinoma effect of the combination of three drugs
090003 SeC輔助抗癌藥物對肝癌療效與其機制探討 | The possible mechanism of SeC causing oxidative damage to HepG2
090006 探討橙皮苷(Hesperidin)及綠原酸(Chlorogenic acid)混合處理對結腸癌細胞(HCT116)存活率的影響 | Study on the Survival Rate of Colon Cancer Cells (HCT116) with Mixed Treatment of Hesperidin and Chlorogenic acid
090007 缺氧誘導肺腺癌分泌含有CD151之Exosome於肝臟營造腫瘤轉移前微環境相關作用 | Hypoxic Lung Adenocarcinoma Secretes CD151-Exosomes to Establish the Liver Pre-metastatic Niche
090008 利用鐵鉑奈米粒子做為新穎藥物來治療對於標靶藥物產生抗藥性之肺癌細胞及其死亡機制 | Using Iron Platinum Alloy Nanoparticles As Novel Nanodrug to Overcome TKI Resistance in Lung Cancer and Related Death Mechanism
090010 探討抗高血壓藥物如何降低敗血症的致死率 | How do antihypertensive agents decrease the high mortality rate of sepsis and septic shock?
090011 探討TLR7作用劑對樹突細胞發育及功能的影響 | To Study How TLR 7 Agonist Influences the Developmental Process and Functions of Dendritic Cells
090012 探討半乳糖凝集素-4在腸道沙門氏菌感染中扮演的角色 | The role of galectin-4 in intestinal epithelial cells when during Salmonella enterica infection
090014 以類器官為轉譯研究模式探究乳癌標靶藥引發腸道副作用之機制與對應策略 | Organ in the dish:Using organoids as a translational research model to explore mechanisms and corresponding strategies of intestinal side effects caused by targeted therapy for breast cancer
090015 癌症治療新利器-奈米氧化鐵藥物磁性複合微粒之應用 | A New Tool for Cancer Treatment-Application of Nano Iron Oxide Drug Magnetic Composite Particles
090021 上皮細胞黏附因子(EpCAM)對腫瘤微環境與上皮間質轉化(EMT)影響之機制探討 | The Effect of Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule on Tumor Microenvironment and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
090025 Host Target Proteins of Spike Protein of SARS-COV-2
090026 Anti-bacterial Crab bio-bandages with Bio-dressings 2.0
090027 Preparation of a Specific Detector for Aspergillus Niger in Swimming Pools
100002 探討海藻酸鈉與卡拉膠對角膜塑型片表面物化性質之影響 | The investigation into the influence of alginic acid sodium and lambda-carrageenan on the surface physicochemical properties of orthokeratology lens
100008 車輛預防翻覆系統 | Vehicle Rollover Prevention System
100009 風驅電「極」- 陣列式無扇葉風力發電機 | BLADELESS ARRAY WIND TURBINE
100010 仿生科技應用於提高太陽能板發電效率之研究 | Improving the Power Generation Efficiency of Solar Panels Using Bionic Technology
100011 磷酸銀修飾二硫化錫奈米複合結構:應用於光催化二氧化碳還原反應 | Ag3PO4/C-SnS2 Heterojunction Photocatalysts with Z-Scheme Interface Modulation for Enhanced Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction
100012 創新散熱系統-致冷晶片於電腦中的應用 | Innovative heat dissipation system -TEC chips used in PC
100013 旋葉構型對泵浦抽水優化之探討 | To optimize pump’s water-transporting function by investigating the design of impellers
100015 搶救生命大作戰 - AI姿態辨識在智慧型高品質CPR訓練引導式教學輔具系統設計之研究 | Life-Saving Battle: A Research on an AI intelligent and high-quality CPR Training-guided Teaching Aid System
100016 風場下圓柱氣孔導管抽吸對風阻係數影響 | Influence of Cylindrical Blowhole Catheter Suction on Drag Coefficient in Wind Field
100019 車用開門快速預警裝置 | Vehicular Warning Device for Car Door Opening
100020 鐵道守護者–高準確率AI鐵道辨識異物入侵系統設計之研究 | Railway Keepers-High Precision AI Railway Monitoring System
100021 壓電-摩擦感測器配合CNN進行步態分析及身分識別 | Hybrid Piezoelectric-Triboelectric Energy Harvester for Gait Recognition Analyzed by Deep Learning CNN Classifier
100022 使用電漿輔助化學氣相沉積及雷射退火於玻璃基板上成長結晶鍺薄膜 | Growth of crystalline Germanium thin film on Glass Substrates Using PECVD and Laser Annealing
100023 10公斤級聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯—氣態氧混合式火箭引擎混和效率提升之初步探討 | The Preliminary Investigation about Improving the Combustion Efficiency of 10Kgf PMMA-Oxygen Hybrid Rocket Engine
100027 圖形化物聯網小型折線機之研究 | Graphic Whisperer Metal wire-formation Machine with IoT
100029 Dear NEMO~How are you?-動態位置捕捉海水魚及監控環境條件 | Dear NEMO~How are you? Capture saltwater fish in dynamic locations and monitor environmental conditions
100030 竹片熱電流增益放大及熱電流充電器 | Bamboo thermal current enhancer and recharger
100033 真空磁浮飛輪儲能裝置 | Vacuum Flywheel Energy Storage Device with Magnetic Bearings
100037 改良型非整數次方PID控制器設計 | Design of An Improved Non-Integer Index PID Controller
100039 研發奈米材料快速降解水中偶氮染料及其自動化循環系統 | Research and Development of Nanomaterials to Rapidly Degrade Azo Dyes in Water and its Autocycle System
100040 Development of an Audio Modulated Tesla Coil
100041 An Analysis and Optimization of Double Parallelogram Lifting Mechanism
100042 What is the relationship between angular velocity and power efficiency of a twin blanded single rotor helicopter system, in hover?
100044 Susanito, autonomous robot body temperature meter: support to reduce infections in rows
100045 IoT based automatic water temperature adjustor
100046 Line Following Waiter Robot
Computer Science & Information Engineering
190003 以分散式邊緣運算網路架構實現智慧機器人代理系統之研究 | Study of Distributed Control Platform for Robot Using the Edge Computing Architecture
190005 一種新的複音音樂片段相似性度量 | A New Similarity Metric for Polyphonic Music Segments
190006 圖論演算法學習用之繪圖程式 | A Graph Visualization Software for Graph Theory Learning
190010 自動X光檢測重建2.5D圖形用於非破壞性檢測:印刷電路板之應用 | Automatic X-ray inspection featuring 2.5D reconstruction used for non-destructive testing: application for PCB solder ball inspection
190012 利用深度學習將黑白影片色彩化 | Film Colorizationwith Generative Adversarial Network
190013 Automated Debugging System – Implementing Program Spectrum Analysis and Information Retrieval on Fault Localization
190014 提升戶外物件辨識模型表現之研究 | Data Augmentation Using TSIT for Object Detection in Outdoor Environment
190019 Art Recovery through PConv (Partial Convolutions) and GLCIC (Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion)
190020 利用半監督式學習進行自動星系分類 | Utilizing Semi-Supervised Learning to Do Galaxy Morphological Classification Automatically
190022 彩色二維條碼手持產品開發之探討 | A Complete Solution to Colour Matrix
190023 程式語言學習系統 | Code learning system
190024 腦波辨識特徵提取於即時身分認證的研究 | A Study of Real-time Brain Wave Identity Authentication Using Feature Extraction
190025 摘要演算法和語句分析之關聯 | Correlation Between Extractive Summarization and Discourse Analysis
190026 以深度學習與遷移學習防範社群媒體片面新聞訊息之研究 | Preventing One sided News on Social Platforms Using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Methods Computer
190028 以隨機噪音生成技術為基礎的驗證碼對抗式攻擊防禦機制 | The Adversarial attack defense method based on Random noising
190029 由立體思維解循環式最大流量問題_以教師介聘為例 | Solving Circular Maximum Flow Problemwith Three-Dimensional Thinking~A Study on Teacher Transfer among Schools
190032 The GoClub-梅花棋演算法效率及適用性分析 | The Efficiency and Applicability Analysis of the GoClub Algorithm
190034 深度學習掌紋疾病分析系統 | The palm diagnostic system based on deep learning
190038 A Person Re-identification based Misidentification-proof Person Following Service Robot
190039 Cross-lingual Information Retrievals
190040 Enhancement of Online Stochastic Gradient Descent using Backward Queried Images
190041 Solving Mathematical and Chemical Equations using Python
190042 Development of an Android Application for Triage Prediction in Hospital Emergency Departments
190043 Development of an autonomous Search and Rescue Drone
190044 Crack defection detecto
190045 Limited Query Black-box Adversarial Attacks in the Real World
190046 Method of prosthetic vision
190047 A.N.T.s: Algorithm for Navigating Traffic System in Automated Warehouses
Environmental Engineering
200001 「塑」戰「塑」決─Aspergillus屬分解塑膠能力測試 | The ability of Aspergillus fungi to degrade plastic products
200002 廢油回收新解方-探討廢油再製燃料 | Innovation in Recycling Used Oil-A Look into ways of Creating Regenerate Fuel out of Used Oil
200006 以磁性Fe3O4分離微塑膠的成效與機制探討 | Effectiveness and Mechanism of SeparatingMicroplastics by Magnetic Fe3O4
200010 探討溫度和碳源對Pantoea sp.處理養殖廢水之影響及應用 | The Impacts and Applications of Temperature and Carbon Sources on how Pantoea sp. Treat with Aquaculture Wastewater
200011 研究以微生物分解廢食用油降低其對環境汙染 | Studies on the decomposing effect of waste cooking oil by microorganism
200013 見「塑」不見「鱗」?-魚鱗環保薄膜的研發及應用 | The Research and Application ofFish Scale Eco-Film
200015 A New Method For Microplastic Removal and Optical Measurement
200016 Generating Conditioned Air in an Open Space in Accordance with Sustainable Architecture Criteria (Based on Wind-Catchers)
200017 Prismalla: Mist water collector
Behavioral & Social Sciences
130001 國、高中階段對於漢字辨識歷程之認知與發展 | The course and development on students from middle school to high school of Chinese characters recognition
130004 探討青少女睡眠型態、鼻結膜炎與壓力對黑眼圈之相關性 | Correlation of adolescent girls' sleep pattern, stress and rhinoconjunctivitis on dark circles under the eyes
130005 助長!抑制?讓眼動與腦科學數據說「真」話 | Encourage! Inhibition? Using Science Data from Eye Tracker & Mind Wave Mobile Tell the “Truth"
130006 如何坐才能學得好 | How to sit to learn well?
130008 建立大鼠模式之新行為派典以研究跨模式注意力的動態轉換歷程 | Rapid switching of attention in a novel cross-modal selective attention paradigm in rodents
130012 Introduction of Omed-Omedan Tradition Through Augmented Reality-Based Card Games to Increase the Love of Local Culture