電腦科學與資訊工程科 Computer Science & Information Engineering 190039
Cross-lingual Information Retrieval Singapore
In this project, we evaluate the effectiveness of Random Shuffling in the Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) process. We extended the monolingual Word2Vec model to a multilingual one via the random shuffling process. We then evaluate the cross-lingual word embeddings (CLE) in terms of retrieving parallel sentences, whereby the query sentence is in a source language and the parallel sentence is in some targeted language. Our experiments on three language pairs showed that models trained on a randomly shuffled dataset outperforms randomly initialized word embeddings substantially despite its simplicity. We also explored Smart Shuffling, a more sophisticated CLIR technique which makes use of word alignment and bilingual dictionaries to guide the shuffling process, making preliminary comparisons between the two. Due to the complexity of the implementation and unavailability of open source codes, we defer experimental comparisons to future work.