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教師交流會 Supervisor Workshop

Date:Jan 21, 2024
Time: 2:00pm–4:00pm
Pre-registration Required

本次教師交流會邀請大家一起參訪CCC《看見創造》藝術家進駐基地、《末日學校》展覽與工作坊,使用特別為Homing常設展設計的Walkie Talkie,在藝術與科學對話的實驗展覽空間,透過新的策展方式,拓展更多元的觀點與體驗,以及當代博物館如何透過多元的展示技術來開展適合全齡的展覽故事。
This teacher exchange meeting invites you to explore the CCC Co-Creation open studio, the School of the End of the World exhibition and workshops, and the Homing-Walkie Talkie interactive experience, all within an experimental exhibition space fostering dialogue between art and science. Through innovative curatorial approaches, we aim to expand diverse perspectives and experiences, showcasing how contemporary museums utilize multifaceted display techniques to create stories for all ages.

報名網址(Registration Link):https://forms.gle/coxoPWAdEHUTkek56

學生交流工作坊 Student Workshop

Date:Jan 21, 2024
Time: 2:00pm–4:00pm
Pre-registration Required

Marble machine 彈珠機

Marble Machine is a creative ball-dribbling device that sends rolling marbles into pipes, funnels, rails, pulleys, and bumpers, bumping into bells, balloons, and dominoes on the way, and finally catching the marbles. You can set yourself a series of challenges to make the marble race even more fun: you can make marbles move in a zigzag pattern, collide with other objects and make sounds, bounce in the air, and set off complex chain reactions.

Light play 光影遊戲

Light play allows you to explore the relationship between light, shadow and objects using materials from everyday life. You will be guided to experiment with different variables such as semi-transparency, light color, light source, direction, distance and movement.

Chain reaction 連鎖反應

In this activity, tinkers will use familiar materials to create a series of installations that resemble a row of falling dominoes. Tinkers will be divided into teams, each of which will create a story and design a corresponding device, a chain of events that triggers the device made by the next team. Observe the chain reaction that occurs when different devices are connected and set off in the end.
